Do you have Control of your Website?

by | Apr 19, 2024

If you have a Webmaster that has assisted you with your Domain Registry and Hosting please make sure you have access to both accounts for peace of mind. I’m not suggesting they have done anything wrong and actually everything they setup may be perfect until unfortunately down the road you lose contact with them for one reason or another and now you find yourself on the outside looking in at the core of your business. Over the last couple of years I have had to assist several clients who have lost contact with their Webmaster who initially registered the Domain Name through their own account and then set up the hosting also through their own account. This may have been a friend or family member just wanting to help out however this issue can also happen regardless of whether they were hired by you or just helping out. I have been approached several times this year by clients of just one independent Web Developer who has gone off the grid leaving them completely in the cold as far as having control of their website. I have been able to migrate a couple of the sites because the clients did have access to the Domain Registry however several do not and it’s a big problem. I had to register a new Domain ( in their name) which had an affect on their Branding then migrate all the content from the old website to the new one. Then I had to use 301 redirects to help Google understand that it is the same website with a new URL for SEO purposes. It’s a costly lesson so Don’t let this happen to you!  #seoexperts #websiteaccessibilty #domainregistration #seo


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